About me page templates

Hate writing about yourself? Don’t know what to say? These are fill-in-the-blank templates (except the blanks have already been filled with hundreds of suggestions to choose from) for photographers, that turn a blank page into a full about me page in minutes. It covers who you are, what you do, why you do it, who your ideal client is, what they’re looking for and a call to action for them to get in touch.

The about me page generator works in your browser (no need to download software) and looks like this:

These about me page templates for photographers are easy-to-use templates choc full of personalisation dropdown options for you to choose from. You will end up with copy around 230-330 words long that is ready to paste onto your website. There is a version for wedding, portrait (including commercial, boudoir and personal), family and pet photographers.

If you shoot multiple genres, you can get a bundle and use them on different websites or pages. The bundles include separate about me page generators, and if you only have one website, you can simply mix and match as you wish.

The templates are written by Anna Pumer, who worked as a copywriter and editor of magazines and websites, as well as in marketing. Anna has written about me pages for hundreds of photographers, and created these templates as an affordable alternative to hiring a copywriter.

Choose your about me page template and go attract those ideal clients!